You know that Subway commercial with the two women arguing over how much they love avocados? Yeah, that's basically my life.
Another food I really like is tuna. And I know I just got gag-like responses from some of ya'll, but keep reading.
I used to only like tuna if it was in steak form or in sushi. However, both can be a little pricey and more difficult to prepare.
CUE: canned tuna
I randomly decided to give canned tuna a whirl after hearing about all it's health benefits and believe it or not, I LOVED IT
I never thought I'd thoroughly enjoy something that smells like cat food. (I promise it doesn't taste like cat food).
I'm also a huge fan of tuna salad, but that is usually laden with lots & lots of fat + calories. No Thanks.
Therefore, I concocted my own sort of tuna salad using, you guessed it, AVOCADO! Not only is this recipe delicious, it's also so simple, a baby could make it.
Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but this recipe only contains two ingredients. I repeat: TWO INGREDIENTS. And it doesn't require any cooking....can ya get any better than that?! I think not.
Ingredients: Serves 2
- 1 can of low-sodium tuna in water
- 1 100-calorie packet of Wholly Guacamole minis
And fear not tuna-haters, for this recipe can be subbed with 1/3 cup of canned (or shredded) chicken.
Empty both containers fully into a Tupperware large enough. Mix evenly.
& that's it folks!
Pretty? No.
Delicious + simple? Abso-freakin'-lutely.
But this recipe is also extremely good for you, low in calories, and protein-packed!
It's basically a TRIFECTA of a lunch.
Nutrition (per serving):
Calories: 130
Fat: 4 grams
Carbs: 3 grams
Fiber: 1 gram
Protein: 16 grams
Need I say more?!
I can't wait to make this again and again and serve it in a wrap, with apples + crackers, or just a fork :]
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