Monday, June 23, 2014

My obsession with avocados continues

Like I've mentioned before, I am OBSESSED with avocados.... they are just so darn delicious.
You know that Subway commercial with the two women arguing over how much they love avocados? Yeah, that's basically my life.

Another food I really like is tuna. And I know I just got gag-like responses from some of ya'll, but keep reading.

I used to only like tuna if it was in steak form or in sushi. However, both can be a little pricey and more difficult to prepare.

CUE: canned tuna

I randomly decided to give canned tuna a whirl after hearing about all it's health benefits and believe it or not, I LOVED IT

I never thought I'd thoroughly enjoy something that smells like cat food. (I promise it doesn't taste like cat food).

I'm also a huge fan of tuna salad, but that is usually laden with lots & lots of fat + calories. No Thanks.

Therefore, I concocted my own sort of tuna salad using, you guessed it, AVOCADO! Not only is this recipe delicious, it's also so simple, a baby could make it.

Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but this recipe only contains two ingredients. I repeat: TWO INGREDIENTS. And it doesn't require any cooking....can ya get any better than that?! I think not.

Ingredients: Serves 2
- 1 can of low-sodium tuna in water
- 1 100-calorie packet of Wholly Guacamole minis

And fear not tuna-haters, for this recipe can be subbed with 1/3 cup of canned (or shredded) chicken.

Empty both containers fully into a Tupperware large enough. Mix evenly.

& that's it folks!

Pretty? No. 
Delicious + simple? Abso-freakin'-lutely. 
But this recipe is also extremely good for you, low in calories, and protein-packed! 
It's basically a TRIFECTA of a lunch. 

Nutrition (per serving):
Calories: 130
Fat: 4 grams
Carbs: 3 grams
Fiber: 1 gram
Protein: 16 grams

Need I say more?!

I can't wait to make this again and again and serve it in a wrap, with apples + crackers, or just a fork :]

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