Though I haven't been nailing my month resolution of blogging more, I am in incorporating 3 new workouts each week into my normal routine! Whoop whoop, small successes!
This week, I tackled all 3 of these new workouts in ONE DAY. A very tiring day, if I do say so myself.
My friend and I decided to skip our normal gym and get a free day pass to another gym, Physiques, to try some new classes.
Physiques is an all-women gym that is pretty small and kind of feels like one big family. One reason I fell in love with it was that they are serious about promoting self-love and being healthy to live longer. Like underneath their weekend schedule, there was a drawing of a heart and "Love Yourself" written in big pink letters.
Well, we couldn't decide on which class to take so we chose three.
1. Funkie Fusion
- Funkie Fusion is a new class that was actually born at this little gym (in Lafayette?!). It's a dance and aerobics class, incorporating squats, lunges, LOTS of jumping, and good music, all with no weights! Seriously, I've tried Zumba and wasn't a big fan of it, but I had so much fun in this class (as long as I didn't look at myself dancing in the mirror) and was drenched in sweat and out of breath after just 50 minutes! Definitely will be going back!
2. Ballet Booty

- Okay, this was probs my favorite of all 3 classes. I'm usually not a big fan of low impact because I like to keep the heart rate pumping to burn the most calories but OH MY GOODNESS THIS BURNED. It's called Ballet Booty but really it works the entire body with little to no weight. We started doing arm exercises and I grabbed the 5 pound dumbbells, thinking that wouldn't be hard enough and had to put them down halfway arms hurt so bad I thought I was going to yell expletives at the instructor. Needless to say, I couldn't walk the next day. But I will also go back for more. Pain is beauty right?
3. Cardio Kick

- Again, super challenging and my heart rate was kept real high. We basically did punches/jumping jacks/jump squats/kicks/jump rope nonstop for an HOUR. My calves were screaming. This was so different from any kickboxing class I've been to because we had no bag and actually jumped more than we punched, which was extra challenging!
All in all, I had a day filled with fun and very different workouts and I truly felt that my body was challenged (felt it the next morning too)!
Though I can never leave Red's gym (it's one of the best in the nation), Physiques was pretty cool and I'll consider going back!
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